The KookThe Kook is a short comedy film about a skier who left the pro-circuit and lives in exile from the traditional ski community. His quest at redemption sends him on a mission to San Francisco to create another...
These productions have cinematic stock footage available for licensing. These are either unused clips or they have been taken directly from the final edits. All 4K+ resolution. Multiple resolutions are available. Find clips on FilmSupply using the link in the menu.
Flakes of Folklore
Flakes of FolkloreYou are welcomed to one of the most remote corners of the world through the unlikeliest of narrators -- Iceland himself. In this storied land of rugged terrain, captivating history, and eternal...
Ice Axe Expeditions
Ice Axe ExpeditionsThis commercial campaign generated over $500,000 in additional revenue for Ice Axe within the first 5 months. Talk about tangible, trackable, and mouth-watering results! We implemented our proven...
Bomber Custom SkiSWe worked with Bomber to launch "Beyond" experiences and their new backcountry ski, the Ascent Thunderbird 95. Client: Bomber Director/Cinematographer: Matt Hardy Production Company: TahoeMatt Media...
Big Mountain Heroes
Big Mountain HeroesThis award-winning documentary is an intimate story about five US Special Operations veterans and how they deal with Post Traumatic Stress in a positive way through the outdoors. Our Role: DP + Drone...